You need this.
If you have female physiology, you don't just have a 24hr circadian rhythm...
You also have a secondary 28 day biorhythm called an Infradian Rhythm.
Yes, you're basically a superhero.
A really sophisticated one at that.
The thing is... we haven't been taught how to optimize or tune into our secondary biorhythm. And whether you currently get a period or not, you have this ebb and flow of energy throughout the month if you're in your fertile years between first menses and menopause.
But you knew that, right? It's the reason why some days you feel on top of the world and others, well, you feel like a burning bag of garbage...
This is the instruction manual you should have been given as a preteen. This information, applied, will absolutely change your relationship to yourself, your body, your energy and will improve your life tenfold.
Learn how to EAT, MOVE, SUPPLEMENT + WORK according to each phase of your Infradian Cycle.
​The truth? You CAN feel amazing during every part of your cycle (yes, even luteal), just because PMS is common, doesn't mean it's normal / has to be your lived reality & you can absolutely achieve or avoid pregnancy on purpose by learning and applying this information.
Field guide includes a colour coded calendar with 18 free workout videos as well as detailed lists of which foods, movements, supplements and work tasks are best suited for each phase. This is POWERFUL when combined with the 30 Day Flow Journal (tracks food, mood, poo, gratitude) and the Know Your Flow Online Course (deep dive into cyclical living). Ready to dive in and take better care of yourself so you can feel better, for good? The Field Guide awaits.
I (probably much like you), spent most of my life feeling like a victim to my female physiology. I experienced debilitating PMS and periods, ignorantly spent 10 years on various hormonal birth control medications, went through that post pill cystic acne and mental health drama and at 29, was given a diagnosis of PCOS, followed by a precancerous surgery, removing part of my cervix.
I thought I just had to accept the "way things are" (cramps, tender breasts, moodiness, bloating, cravings), until I discovered the research and methods around cycle syncing and biohacking specifically for the Infradian Rhythm. Something we don't learn about in school, but should. It has been declared our 5th vital sign.
Since 2020, I have been educating and empowering women with my Know Your Flow Self Paced Online Course, 30 Day Flow Monthly Journal and the various classes, workshops + retreats that I host throughout the year. I've had the pleasure of speaking with groups small and large about this subject and have been featured on various podcasts as an expert around the topic.
What makes me an "expert"? I have studied and gained knowledge from some of the most incredible practitioners, I have applied it to my own life and I offer you the teachings that have now become second nature for me.
My period health now?
Absolutely delightful. Day one of menses is no longer hijacked by cramping and heavy bleeding. My skin is clear throughout the month. I know which foods, movements, supplements + work tasks are best suited for each phase, and so I get more done in less time and feel more intimately connected with my body than ever before. She has become my best friend.
I feel amazing most of the time and when I don't, I now know to pay attention to my body's symptoms as the signs of imbalance that they truly are. I work with her.
The information in this field guide, when applied, changes everything. Get ready to feel amazing, get to know yourself on a deeper level and ditch PMS for good.
Always in your corner,
Photo courtesy of @carouselmediamgmt @_thehappycreative