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The New 20 Minute Workout Everyone is Talking About.

Updated: May 18, 2019

It's no surprise to my friends and family that I love using Beachbody at home workout programs and nutritional supplements to enhance my health and life.

It all started, almost 4 years ago, when I ordered the 21 Day Fix DVDs and started drinking vegan chocolate shakeology daily, doing the 30 minute workouts from my dingy apartment hallway, swearing at the laptop the whole time.

I saw awesome physical results (I dropped 11lbs in 3 weeks and gained lean muscle), but I also started feeling more energized, confident and my digestion was regulated for the first time in YEARS! (This is a big freaking deal for people with IBS and autoimmune diseases).

So, when I heard that a new program was dropping in January, I had to scoop up the deets and wanted to put them in this concise little blog post for you to learn about it too!

Every time Beachbody releases a new workout program, IT FEELS LIKE FREAKING CHRISTMAS ALL OVER AGAIN!!

Especially since I have access for the entire YEAR to the streamable Netflix-like video library with hundreds of workouts, hundreds of recipes, meal plans, resources, articles and more for only $99 CAD for the whole year.

Crazy, right? I've spent more than that on ONE month of hot yoga (bless hot yoga, I still love it, but damn that shiz is expensive and this is not!)

If you're reading this and going "okay, where the heck do I sign up already, I don't want to read until the end. I'M IN!!" Just EMAIL ME HERE and I'll hook you up, or FOLLOW THIS LINK to order your program all on your own.

ANYWAYS, a brand NEW program from one of my FAVOURITE super trainers, Shaun T, is coming out in JANUARY 2019, and I wanted to share with you the dirty deets so you can decide if it's a program you'd be interested in doing too!!

The program doesn't actually hit the Beachbody on Demand workout library until APRIL, but I've got the hook up so you can access it in January with me in our exclusive virtual bootcamp.


Transform :20 is a fast, intense fitness program created by Super Trainer Shaun T that will transform your body and your mind in just 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

I repeat, only 20 minutes a day, people!

Be forewarned, it’s hard. But the results will be well worth it. Plus, we can do anything for 20 minutes, right? It’s just you, Shaun T, and a Step. You’ll blast your core, legs, glutes, and upper body— no weights required. There’s a different workout every day, 6 days a week, done in real time with the cast. No do-overs and no repeats.

There's a simple, delicious, easy to follow nutrition program as well as top quality nutritional supplements, Shakeology and the Performance Line pre and post workout, to fuel your body so you get the MOST out of your 6 week program.



ANYONE who is ready to transform their life.

For real though, this program can be done modified if needed and since you only need THE STEP (and be sure to purchase the one with your pack, so you don't hurt yourself using a cheaper option) and your own willingness to work, you can also DO this program ANYWHERE. FYI, if you choose to do the program without the step, it'll still kick your butt!



The meal plan is SIMPLE, good nutrition. No chicken, broccolli, rice BS here. You'll be eating a variety of meals with proteins, veggies, healthy fats, carbs, fruits, nuts, seeds and there is always the option for vegan or modified diets like the autoimmune protocol I use.

You will get a month's worth of shakeology with your package and drinking shakeology daily will help enhance your results, improve digestion, increase immunity, stabilize blood sugar and help you keep weight off naturally. The more consistently you drink shakeology, the better you will feel. I've been going strong for almost 4 years and don't get sick anymore or deal with IBS!!! It's the real deal in dense, superfood nutrition and is LOADED with adaptogenic herbs, quality plant proteins, pre and probiotics and super greens!

You also have the option to include the Beachbody Performance stack in your package (highly recommended). Both the performance energize (green tea based pre workout) and performance recover (whey based post workout) are clinically proven to enhance your workouts, improve results and help you feel better throughout.

Not sure what the nutritional supplements are about?

Check out this helpful 15min. video where I explain each of them!


Not totally convinced yet? Check out the sneak peek video for this program:



The results you get from ANY of the beachbody programs is a direct reflection of your commitment to doing your best in the workouts, eating well according to your needs, if you supplemented with shakeology and the performance stack or not, as well as if you drank enough water, got enough sleep and spoke kindly to yourself throughout. These all contribute to you getting into the BEST shape of your life. And lucky for you, I'm here to coach you through that rocky terrain, so when it gets hard, you don't give up on yourself!

Check out some of my awesome coach friends, who were in the private test group!! These results are from 6 weeks of the program, and two of these babes (the side views) did the program postpartum with great success and enjoyment!!



How do I do the workouts without the Step?

There is a modifier to follow along with in the program who does not use the Step.

Can I modify my workout using the Step?

Yes. There are modifier tracks available for majority of the workouts that uses the Step. Please refer to the workout descriptions on BOD to find out if there is a modifier track.

Are weights required to do Transform :20?

No. However, Transform :20 has 6 bonus workouts with weights if you love to lift while you step. These full body workouts utilize dumbbells to take your workout up a notch so you will need weights for these workouts. They can be done in place of a CUT or STRONGER workout or added to any day to intensify your results.

Can the workouts be downloaded and watched offline?


Can the program materials be downloaded?

Yes. BOD members can view and download the program materials.

Is there a modifier?

Yes, there is a modifier in the program and a separate modifier track as well.

What program materials are included with Transform :20?

Getting Started Guide, Nutrition Guide, 6-week Transformation Tracker, Wall Calendar, Hybrid Calendar (for 6 bonus workouts w. weights), The Transform:20 specific Step.

What are the 6 Bonus Workouts with Weights?

Transform :20 has 6 bonus workouts with weights if you love to lift while you step. These full body workouts utilize dumbbells to take your workout up a notch. They can be done in place of a CUT or STRONGER workout or added to any day to intensify your results.

What nutrition products & supplements are recommended for this program?

Shakeology, the Beachbody Performance line, including Energize, Hydrate and Recover and BEACHBARS.



There are a VARIETY of packages to choose from, based on your individual needs and if you already have access to Beachbody on Demand, already order Shakeology, have never tried any of it before, etc. the package you choose will vary based on that.

Take a peek at the different configurations to find out which one best suits your needs! And never forget, that you committing to this program and purchasing your pack gets you access to HUNDREDS of workouts, meal plans, recipes, and support for the entire YEAR. Keep that in perspective if you find yourself questioning prices.

You are worth it. Of this, I'm sure.

These packages listed are for people who do not have access to Beachbody On Demand already:

These packages listed are for people who do have a Beachbody On Demand Subscription already:

If I could go back to that fateful day in February, 2015 when I purchased my first set of Beachbody 21 Day Fix DVDs and Shakeology, knowing what it would do for my life? I legit would have paid $5000 for that same pack.

This shit will change your life if you let it.

Oh, and there's a 30 day money back guarantee if you really don't love it, so it's a win win for you no matter what!


So, are you ready to dive in with me and START 2019 WITH A BANG?!

If so, fill out your order form here and I'll email you back within 48hrs to chat and get you set up!!


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